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  • Layanan | Sengon Project

    Siap-Siap Produkmu Semakin Menarik Butuh tim profesional untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda? Jangan khawatir, apapun jenis desain yang Anda butuhkan akan kami urus. Silakan cek harga dan paketnya! Layout Buku Lihat Paket PowerPoint Lihat Paket Konten Bisnis Lihat Paket Branding Lihat Paket Ilustrasi Anak Lihat Paket 3 Dimensi Lihat Paket Motion Logo Lihat Paket Editing Video Lihat Paket

  • Jasa Branding dan Marketing | Sengon Project

    Halo, Entrepreneur ! Visualisasikan Brand mu! Investasi jangka panjang sebuah bisnis. Bangun brand identity mu dengan tepat dan ciptakan ikatan emosional masyarakat terhadap brand kita. Identity Jadikan brandmu konsisten dalam segala aspek seperti aturan penggunaan logo, tampilan visual (desain produk, kemasan, seragam), suara (ikon bunyi, nada, lagu), kata-kata (slogan, tagline, jingle, dll. Logo Logo yang menarik dan berkesan dapat mendongkrak bisnismu. Biaya jasa mulai dari 200rb-an Anda bisa mendapatkan logo brandmu sendiri dengan biaya UMKM tapi berkualitas premium. Content Design Kembangkan awareness brandmu di sosial media. Mulai dari konten, story, reels, foto, video, caption, riset hastag, hingga proses upload serahkan pada tim kami yang siap bekerja secara profesional. Brand Kit Kami siap membantu kebutuhan brand mu yang kurang seperti desain company profile, brosur, menu, katalog, kemasan, hangtag, stiker, banner, flyer, poster, spanduk, dan desain kit lainnya. Website Pertama kali yang dilakukan orang awam terhadap brandmu adalah mencarinya di Google. Maka hal ini akan meningkatkan leads baru bagi perusahaanmu. Semakin pelanggan mudah mencari, maka semakin mudah kamu sebagai pembisnis. Event Kit Kami siap membantu kebutuhan event mu seperti logo, banner, flyer, poster, spanduk, backdrop, merchandise desain, virtual background desain, dan desain kit lainnya. Ada pertanyaan? Obrolin saja. Hubungi Admin

  • Karir | Sengon Project

    Kami Bertanggung Jawab atas Kepuasan Klien Tentang Kami Karir Kontak Halo, Job Seeker! Saat ini belum ada lowongan untukmu Kembali

  • Kontak | Sengon Project

    Kami Bertanggung Jawab atas Kepuasan Klien Tentang Kami Karir Kontak Kami Senang Mendengar Anda Hubungi kami melalui email atau

  • Plans & Pricing | WeDu

    Explore Our Pricing Plans Use this area to describe one of your memberships. Free $ 0 0$ Use this area to describe one of your memberships. Valid for 3 months Get Started I'm a benefit I'm a benefit Standard $ 30 30$ Every month Use this area to describe one of your memberships. Valid for 6 months Get Started I'm a benefit I'm a benefit I'm a benefit Best Value Premium $ 50 50$ Every month Use this area to describe one of your memberships. Valid for 12 months Get Started I'm a benefit I'm a benefit I'm a benefit I'm a benefit Basic Rp 1000000 1000000Rp Simple and Clean Logo Animation Get Started Source Files Logo Transparency 1 Version 2 Revisions - 5 Days Standard Rp 2500000 2500000Rp Detailed Animation Get Started Source Files Logo Transparency Sound Effects 1 Version 2 Revisions - 5 Days Premium Rp 5000000 5000000Rp Eye Catching Detailed Animation Get Started Source Files Logo Transparency Sound Effects 1 Version 3 Revisions - 7 Days

  • Terms & Conditions | WeDu

    Terms & Conditions Terms and conditions (“Terms”) are a set of legal terms defined by the owner of a website. They set forth the terms and conditions governing the activities of the website visitor on the said website and the relationship between the site visitor and the website owner.  Terms must be defined according to the specific needs and nature of each website. For example, a website offering products to customers in e-commerce transactions requires Terms that are different from the Terms of a website only providing information. Terms provide the website owner the ability to protect themselves from potential legal exposure. In general, what should you cover in your Terms & Conditions? In general, what should you cover in your Terms & Conditions? Who can use your website; what are the requirements to create an account (if relevant) Key commercial Terms offered to customers Retention of right to change offering Warranties & responsibility for services and products Ownership of intellectual property, copyrights and logos Right to suspend or cancel member account Indemnification Limitation of liability Right to change and modify Terms Preference of law and dispute resolution contact info You can check out thissupport articles to receive more information about how to create a Terms and Conditions page. The explanations and information provided herein are only general explanations, information and samples. You should not rely on this article as legal advice or as recommendations regarding what you should actually do. We recommend that you seek legal advice to help you understand and to assist you in creating your privacy policy.

  • Privacy Policy | WeDu

    Privacy Policy A privacy policy is a statement that discloses some or all of the ways a website collects, uses, discloses, and manages the data of its visitors and customers. It fulfills a legal requirement to protect a visitor or client's privacy. ​ Countries have their own laws with different requirements per jurisdiction regarding the use of privacy policies. Make sure you are following the legislation relevant to your activities and location.  In general, what should you cover in your Privacy Policy? ​ What type of information do you collect? How do you collect information? Why do you collect such personal information? How do you store, use, share and disclose your site visitors' personal information? How (and if) do you communicate with your site visitors? Is your service targeting and collecting information from Minors? Privacy policy updates Contact Information You can check out thissupport articles to receive more information about how to create a privacy policy. The explanations and information provided herein are only general explanations, information and samples. You should not rely on this article as legal advice or as recommendations regarding what you should actually do. We recommend that you seek legal advice to help you understand and to assist you in creating your privacy policy.

  • Home | WeDu

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  • Graphic Design | Sengon Project

    One App, Many Uses Use this paragraph to showcase your app's key features and how it will enhance the user's experience with your brand. Just click “Edit Text” or double click here to add your own content. Join over a million happy users! Simple Plans This is a paragraph. Click here to add your own text.  Personalized Content This is a paragraph. Click here to add your own text.  Community Support This is a paragraph. Click here to add your own text.  Download the app now! You can easily add your own content to this paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click here to make it your own. Get Updates Get the latest app version, news & updates. Subscribe to our newsletter. Subscribe Thanks for submitting!

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